Hello! So what better way to spend pay day than lying in bed online shopping, very lazy! But much deserved after I have been working everyday for the past two weeks, exhausted! I bought a couple of things which I had already and wanted, my 21st is coming up so I want lots to choose from! When they arrive their will be a more interesting outfit post!
This I love because I absoltuly hate the backs of my legs (very weird), but it covers them up and still looks good from the front! £18 ASOS
I got these from ebay, lovely Jeffery Campbell copys! I did blog about getting these a few weeks ago, but found these ones which I like just as much for half the price!
Galaxy leggings! So popular at the moment but
I had to follow the crowd with this, they are amazing. £9.99 MissGuided
So busy with work havent really had much time to post but that will hopefully change! Hoping for a new camera for my birthday as well which will mean good quality photographs at last!