Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Quick post today but I wanted to briefly share my favourite piece of jewellery at the moment with you charm bracelet. This gorgeous gold bracelet has six different very unique charms. A couple of them open up and represent fairy tales which remind me of my childhood! It was given to my mother on her 18th birthday and then to me on mine, so it about 40 years old and worth quite a few pennies so I am careful about wearing it! It has a safety chain which has snapped so my next task is to have it repaired in case the catch ever came loose! I love it because it looks to elegant and expensive on my wrist and also because it looks like a proper antique! Certainly not your average topshop bracelet! Anyway here is a couple of photographs for you all too see, and hopefully also love it!

Today I begun my LookBook, after purchasing a lovely yellow cardigan (for only three pounds) So I will be posting soon!



  1. that bracelet is so pretty!:) I love your style hun, your blog is amazing:) now following :D xx

  2. Didn't know where to reply so I'm doing both haha...For week in photos I use a photo editor! And just space them myself! But on blogger I just set the picture to XLarge and then just drag them so each picture is touching the next seamlessly , then when you preview/post they should be equally spaced with the smallest gap possible inbetween? Xx

  3. I love your bracelet, its just gorgeous! The charms are so unique!
    I have a giveaway on my blog for a gorgeous bracelet which I'd love for you to enter :) Check it out!
    Georgia x
